Monday, February 16, 2009

I need to do this more

I need to blog more, I know, yell at me. When you see me out, ask "Dude, where's your Blog?" to which I will reply, "I don't know Dude." The conversation will go like this...

You - You are unemployed....
Me - Funemployed. I went to the driving range today and a bike ride.
You - You suck, I wish I could do that.
Me - You can, you have a job, its called "Calling in Sick"
Bartender - Here is your tab.
Me - You are paying, I'm unemployed.
You - I thought it was Funemployed, you stressed Fun.
Me - I am also consulting you on how you can reduce stress. Think about it.

Actually job hunting is nice. I spent a lot of time setting the bait, now I have to reel in the lines. I have had 7 interviews in the past week including today, so a week and a day. I have a second interview tomorrow with a company I really like.

Okay, here is my GO FIGURE moment of the week.

Mia was gracious to bring and leave with me, her Rockband game. I love it. Last weekend that's all we did. I liked it so much, I bought the second one, but for the Xbox. I downloaded a bunch of new songs, loaded the old songs on, then you know, called people up to play. I get three flashing red lights that require me to send the damn thing back to Microsoft.

I get that when one door closes, another opens, but it should never be on the same parallel! Kudos to Mia being lazy and not picking up the game right away as I had a back up Rockband at the house and the night was saved.

If this was the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, here is your moment of Zen.

Stallingsworth Out.

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