Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The great State of Maryland

Okay, I know Im Funemployed right now and should be writing more and more, but damn, you really fill your day up with stuff. I take 4 hours a morning to job hunt and fill out applications, create job specific cover letters, and such.

During all of this, I have been dealing with the unemployment benefits. I have paid over $80,000 to this system in the past 3 years (they only give you the past 3 years) and they are only giving me $380.00 a week, which is the max, but still. Really? Here is the best part....it could take 21 days. I think our state flag should have a bunch of retards on it playing in the ball room licking the glass window. I paid into that system, I should be the first one to get paid! Damn.

Stallingsworth out.

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