Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Aliens, White dudes dressed as Black dudes who are Australian, and Transgender Golfing.

Yes, that is a random title, but thats what has crossed my face in the past 2 days. Since my sister has to work on Christmas, she and her husband to be came down this past weekend. While we exchanged gifts that day, I was gracious enough to score a copy of Tropic Thunder. Oh man do I love this movie, Robery Downy Jr makes it, along with Mr. Scientologist. Rent it, watch it, steal it from someone who has this movie (aside from me), but its great. Jack Black was shirtless, so for you chubby chasers out there, get some.

Another gift was Indiana Jones, the whatever of whatever. It sucked. Well, yeah, the action was overtop for an Indy fim, the jokes were corny like the previous movies and the tie ins to the previous movies were cool, but I really think who ever wrote this movie ran out of ideas. I think the guy who did Star Wars (never saw it, no desire to see it or any of them) wrote Indiana Jones. Well Indiana Jones had Aliens in it.......really. The Transformer kid was in there too. I could act better than him with a hangover and a mouth full of marshmellows. All three of the previous Indiana Jones films were somewhat believable. This 4th one, pure utter bullshit. They found the skull in the beginning, then had to chase it around the rest of the movie. Why not find it at the end, like the rest of the movies, and have a bad ass fight scene or a mine cart ride? Oh yeah, they ran out of ideas. This movie was just shy of being OKAY. Therefore I give it 2.5 turds out of a possible 4.
(4 out of 4 turds is a horrible movie, but watch it cause it sucks so bad, you laugh. The Transporter movies come to mind because Audi S8 cars CAN jump over 50 feet and up to a higher ledge after smashing through a garage barrier. 1 out of 4 turds is a pretty good movie, like CaddyShack or the Replacements, which I love both of them. A perfect score is zero turds, movies like Christmas Vacation, Tommy Boy, and Old School. Its my blog, so dont ask questions.)

Okay, so while reading Fox Sports on my phone today while getting some cold medicine ( we can get porn on our cell phones but we cant cure the common cold? Bullshit.) and Zycan, I learned that one of their top stories was about Lana Lawson who used to be a man, a SWAT cop, and a badass, is now a bartender who is the world champ at the longest drive for ladies 2008 trophy holder. I say kudos to her. She loved golf in her previous life, now has a way to play again. In 2005 the governing body of golf allows transgender players to play, so long as their test results for hormones and such, are in a normal level for a woman of their age and race and such. I guess Tour de France riders can cross this off of their to-do list. You can read about it here. http://msn.foxsports.com/golf/story/8979000/Ladies-tees?-Long-drive-champ-used-to-be-man

I think this is an interesting story and worthy of emailing around. It just gives people hope to not give up on their dreams. Sadly I will never wear an Orioles uniform, but I can go to the games and drink beer. You dont see a beer vendor in the dugout do you? Maybe they sneak it in like I do in Iced Tea bottles? If so, damnit, I thought I had the upper hand.


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