Wednesday, December 3, 2008

When in a Funk, get out of it.

OK, so by now everyone knows that I along with my two closest friends, ran the half marathon this past year in Baltimore. Well you know what? I had a severe bone bruise in my right foot and had to stay off of it until this morning.

The X-Rays were negative on my foot, the tests I passed and this morning, I got up, put on my man-ass tights (I must say, I dont look half bad in tights) and ran once around Patterson Park (1.73 miles) and was feeling good. Feeling good except for the fact that I would do that twice and not even sweat while on long runs.

So feeling bummed about it, I was discussing this with a friend and we both decided, hey, lets get back out there, lets go running again. So with that, its back to the trail this Saturday. While you or someone you know are sleeping off a hangover, Ill be running in the morning. Im not trying to be pompous or come accross as holier than thou as I have slept in many of times rather than going to the gym, but I am excited to run again, its my blog, and if you dont like it, tough shit, you just read it.

1 comment:

  1. It's me! I'm the friend! Don't I get a shout out or something, douche bag? By the way, you have blogged three times today. Douche bag.

    - mabish
